Vintage Style Garden Design Wall Calendar

Vintage Style Kitchen Garden Wall Calendar

This vintage style Kitchen Garden wall poster will not only look gorgeous on your wall but is a very practical guide to getting started in your vegetable garden. Don’t know what to plant where and when? Check the plan for the current year and follow the guidelines for the current seasons.

Shows a 4 year crop rotation cycle to encourage healthy gardens and long term sustainable gardening for us and the earth. A beautiful and useful gift for gardeners everywhere whether you are experienced or a beginner

Special online offer. Regular price is $16.10 + p&p per poster but if you buy online it is 2 for $19.90 + P&P of $6.75. Buy one for yourself and one to give away to a young gardener! You can either email me with your order on

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Getting Ready for Garlic with Two Fat Cows

Next month will be June and the winter solstice – the traditional time to plant garlic. Garlic loves rich well fed soil so it will reward you if you put in the effort and get the ground prepared well in advance.  As it is a slow growing crop and is going to be in the ground for a minimum of 6 months, choose a place where it will be out of the way and can mind it’s own business while all the busyness of spring takes place.

In the crop rotation plan it is the first thing that I move forward to the next year. So I will be coming up to Year 3 myself which means that it is going to be in Bed 4. Garlic is not a “bed-hog” like pumpkins for example but is in the ground for a long time (6-8months) so I will plant mine in the bed 4 border bed where it is out of the way and can happily grow away. I have put put a grain based green crop in the main bed 4 to break up the soil and improve it in time for the other root crops to go there later in the season.

So I have dug a trench about a spade deep and filled the bottom with cow poo. Use whatever manure you have to hand – this was quite fresh but it should be ok  - by the time the roots get down the worms and soil organisms will be working their magic on it. It’s still a month or so before I will plant.  I have also incorporated some blood and bone into the top layer of soil. Add any compost, animal manure etc that you have to hand and then leave for it to work away until planting day. As usual –use what you have available. We have 2 lovely cows who faithfully donate to the cause.  Good wholesome organic cow poo.  Hannah on the left and Ruby on the right. 

How much to plant.
My bed is about 1.5 metres wide and 3 metres long.  That’s quite a good size for a family load of garlic.  If you work out how much garlic you use over the year – it might be one bulb per week.  So I suggest 52 would be a good place to start – that way you will have plenty. Look on line for a good supply of preferably spray free or organic local seed.  Trademe have some good listings.

Planting Time.

You can plant any time from now (late autumn).  The general rule is plant twice the depth of the bulb and about 10 cms apart. So lets say 5 cms deep. Press down firmly as you back fill with soil and then water in well with liquid seaweed if you have it.  Then wait until the shoots are around 15 cm tall before you start a fortnightly liquid fertilizer regime. You can plant your own saved seed but whatever you use you get the best results from using the biggest and fattest ones.

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