Vintage Style Garden Design Wall Calendar

Vintage Style Kitchen Garden Wall Calendar

This vintage style Kitchen Garden wall poster will not only look gorgeous on your wall but is a very practical guide to getting started in your vegetable garden. Don’t know what to plant where and when? Check the plan for the current year and follow the guidelines for the current seasons.

Shows a 4 year crop rotation cycle to encourage healthy gardens and long term sustainable gardening for us and the earth. A beautiful and useful gift for gardeners everywhere whether you are experienced or a beginner

Special online offer. Regular price is $16.10 + p&p per poster but if you buy online it is 2 for $19.90 + P&P of $6.75. Buy one for yourself and one to give away to a young gardener! You can either email me with your order on

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Happy Sheep

Our little flock of sheep have just been blade shorn by an expert - Richard Hore of Oamaru.  He had the choice to use a machine but prefers to blade shear!  A very quiet process and the sheep I am sure enjoyed the gently handling. This pic shows Richard blade shearing but not my sheep - I was not able to be there that day so this one came from a demonstration he did at Totara Estate. The sheep are feeling much better thank you - still got their "Singlets" on as they say about the blade shearing.

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