2. It is freestone – the stones come away from the fruit
3. You don’t need to peel it so much less fuss than some other peaches.
4. It tastes really good – enough tartness to give it a black doris plum flavour.
5. Looks gorgeous in the bottle.
6. The tree itself will grow true from seed here in NZ.
7. It doesn’t mind a cooler climate.
8. The tree is healthy and vigorous and doesn’t seem to be bothered too much with disease.
There are a number of methods of preserving fruit and any number of books out there so choose your favourite. I use the Open pan overflow method from the good old Edmonds Cookbook. (I still have my sauce and chocolate cake encrusted copy from the 80s.)
Sterilise your equipment.
Put your clean washed preserving jars into the oven and turn up to 110 Celsius. When the light goes out and the temperature is reached turn the oven off and leave the jars in the oven. Put the seals and rings into a covered saucepan on an element and bring to boil to ensure they are sterilized. You can rinse out a clean teatowel in boiling water too to wipe around the lids of jars.
Prepare the bench.
Cover the bench beside the stove with newspaper and put a couple of wooden boards out ready for the hot jars. I use a big old enamel pie dish to catch the overflow of fruit.
Cooking the fruit.

Using your biggest preserving pan, make up a syrup. You can choose what strength of syrup to use and I tend to make up a medium one which is 1 cup sugar to 2 cups water. A heavy syrup is 1:1cup and a light is 1:3. Don’t be afraid of sugar in this instance – it is a preserver. I am more wary of the false food modified corn syrup-type sugars you find in most commercial products than worry about proper cane based sugar used to preserve my own home grown fruit for the family. (If you want to know more read Michael Pollan’s The Omnivore’s Dilemma – the first half on the corn industry in the USA is an eye-opener)
Fill the pan just over half full with the water and sugar and bring to the boil so the sugar dissolves.
Wash the fruit and cut in half with a good short bladed vegetable knife. The stones should come out freely. When you have enough for a pan full, tip them all very carefully in at once. You will have to bring back up to a boil and top up syrup if necessary to cover the fruit. This way they will all cook evenly. I don’t like to overcook as I don’t want my fruit to break up. It’s sort of poaching them. About 10 mins. Poke a large piece of fruit to see if tender.
Filling the jars.

Cook the next batch of fruit and repeat until all finished.
The next day check that the seals have taken, wash the jars and shelve for winter eating.
Hi! We have moved into a new home with an amazing old black boy peach. This morning I tried our 1st one and yes delicious. Is it best to start bottling when the fruit is still a bit firm? We have a pear tree laiden in fruit too...
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I tried your receipt and my Black Boys peaches are now preserved.
I’d like to be place on your mailing list to know what needs to be planted and when.
Thanks Keren
I have been bottling for many years as we have a good crop of black boys this year i thought about adding a flavour like vanilla or has anyone got some ideas many thanks jan
Hello, we have been trying to get hold of a tree, no success so far... would you be happy to ship us a couple of stones? We would cover the cost of course. Thanks for your help
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