Continuing to hurtle headlong into last century ------- turning back the (non-digital) clock continues in our household with the recent Trademe purchase of an Olivetti Studio 46 typewriter. I had bought some really gorgeous Donna Demente printed paper from her studio in Oamaru and it just seemed wrong to either handwrite or use the computer on it. So now got my typewriter. We are going off grid at some stage so all the low tech stuff is going to be useful again.
Looked on the internet and of course found there was a site dedicated to this model. Seriously. Here is what they had to say about this practical work of art.

We too have typewriters, two of them. My son did most of his Engineering School essays on his, and now my daughter's doing her Uni 'Literature' essays on hers. Clackety clack!
No way! That's so funny. I am totally impressed - I wonder how her flatmates feel about the tapping.
So - where do I get new ribbons from? The person I bought it from said that you could still get them from the Warehouse Stationery but she was probably meaning Auckland. I went to Dunedin and the young man there didn't even know what a typewriter ribbon was. Try explaining that one whilst trying to come across as young and modern.
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